
Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Setting Sail

I can't sleep so I am going to blog instead, then hopefully I will be able to sleep like a log.
Looking back at Sis G's visit, there are a few more things we did I can share. She was here for pretty much four days after all and it is amazing what you can fit in.

She arrived Thursday and I shared out Esplanade/ boat/ beach tour with you already. On Friday we checked off another thing that she hadn't done before and headed to Green Island for a few hours.

It was the perfect day for it really, clear sky, calm water. A great day for a boat ride.

The city grew smaller and smaller as we headed out. Kind of an obvious observation really.

We sped past a bit of water traffic, including a ship we had been checking out the day before.

Then before we knew it we were getting closer and closer to Green Island, another obvious observation.

Watching the scenery from the back deck as well as other tourists visitors passengers having fun posing in the wind, using scarves as props, or just posing on the back of the boat made the trip speed by. I think our skipper also had a lead foot. I was amazed by how the water changed colour gradually along the way. Last time I went it was a bit to rough and wet to notice things like that.

Then we were there and it was time to get down to some island fun.

Now for those who don't know Green Island has a long jetty that you walk along to get to the island and it is a great place to see what you can see in the water below.

We opted to do both options that you are offered as part of your fare which means we payed for one. The first thing we did was snorkeling before getting our of the midday sun by going on the other option, the glass bottom boat. Now I have just realised there is not one underwater snorkeling photo here so guess what ... I'll just chuck them up in a different post, another time. I do however have some pics from the glass bottom boat ready to go.

After getting back we scoffed a quick lunch (we packed our own) and it was time to get back on the cat to Cairns. Too short but just right. I could have spent more time relaxing but wasn't too upset about getting out of the sun.

We passed more water traffic as we headed back to Cairns on a packed boat. Green Island drifted off into the distance, actually more like sped.

We got closer and closer to the mainland.

We passed that hip again (I think they were waiting for the right tide).

Then just like that we were back t the marina with a walk back to the car ahead of us.

We might have nipped into maccas for an icy drink on the way past. Gee it was a bit warm. I think the weather that week was more uncomfortable than it is currently. On that note though it is nowhere near as hot here as other parts of QLD this week, for a change.

I can hardly believe this was all over a month ago. Wow time is flying by this year. Do you think it gets faster every year?

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Another visitor

I had mentioned having visitors. The first ones were my Aunt and Uncle who hopped off a cruise ship and hung around for the day. The next one before I headed down to the family farm stayed a little longer. It was my younger, oh hang on they are all younger, my youngest sister, Sis G.

 I picked her up from the airport after her bright and early flight. I got the better end of the deal for timing there unlike my Mum who had a super early start with a 3hr drive to the airport before her flight.

Sis G's last flight was to the U.S.A so one of the first comments she made about this flight was 'wow, that was short'.

First stop was the Esplanade, not only was it the closest toilet (too big a line up at the airport apparently) it was also a great place to grab an ice cream, yum!

We licked up dripping ice cream and watched the pelicans for a while.

Then went for a little wander to check out the Lagoon, something she hadn't seen yet.

We started to head back to my place to relax for a while but on the way past port I got side tracked by the big ship and dragged Sis G for a look.

Seeing something else interesting we headed down the wharf.

 We saw the Caravel Notorious which is a recreation of a c1480 Spanish or Portuguese caravel. This vessel was designed and created by a man in SW Victoria over 11 years. Amazing, hey? I was amazed at how small it was.

Then it was time to stop sweltering in the humidity that had rocked up in time for Sis G's arrival and relax at my place for a while, eat, snooze, that kind of thing.

Later on we moved our lazy butts out the door and went for a drive. I offered to let Sis G go for a spin but she had forgotten her brand new 'P' plates, on purpose I am sure.

First we pulled into the Barron River but that wasn't too thrilling so on the way back to the main highway we stopped to check out a bit of history. Sis G wants an old car for her formal and I thought these would be perfect. Mind you I am pretty sure they wouldn't get her far.

We also checked out this old building next door.

It is the old explosives magazine and detonator shed that was built in 1901. It cost 2 500 pounds and was built because there were around 3000 cases of explosives being landed in Cairns, that were mostly for the inland mining industry, with only a barge with limited space to store it. After building of the explosives magazine and detonator store most of the explosives were sent by train to Mount Molloy, Chillagoe and Mareeba. Due to the population growing in the area the store was moved in 1941 although the building was used during WW11 by the military. It was then just used as storage building for the timber mill next door. It is now a heritage listed building.

We then found some harvested sugar cane, all ready to go.

We took the scenic route to Yorkey's Knob Beach.

What a view! To live in a house with a view like that, ahhh. Actually scrap that, that hill was a killer and I would hate to actually have to do the work rather than my car.

It was another idylic looking beachy afternoon and this time I got down on the sand, going for a nice walk with Sis G. I love beach walks, they remind me of mid morning and night walks during family beach holidays. You never know what you will find on the beach.

Sis G will hate me for this pic but is so her, Miss Dancer.

Then the sun had set and it was time to head home.

But before getting back to my place I just had to share the cockatoo trees with Sis G where empty, dead trees are quickly turned to living, moving ones as hundreds of cockatoos come in to roost.

More on Sis G's visit soon.
What are some amazing things to see that are a little out of the ordinary around your place?