
Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Heading Bush

If you've been following along with my on and off blogging you might recall this view.

If not you can get a refresher here, from along the road on our unplanned trip to Cooktown.

On the weekend we headed off on an overnighter camping trip. We headed past that awesome lookout and then turned off onto a dirt road. We followed that road over hills and down gullies as it threaded its way through the bush.

We watched the light fade and the sun set as we traveled along

We set up camp, enjoyed our campfire dinner and snuggled down for the night in our swags.
We watched the stars above and then watched the dark change to day as the sun rose.

Then we headed off onto other dirt tracks hunting out historical finds from mining equipment to a ghost town.

We wove our way along roads, thankful for the 4x4 and a higher vehicle.

We then headed back to where we had camped for lunch, a relax and to cool off in the river. 
The decision was made to head back on our way and so we followed that roller coaster road back to the highway.

We watched the light fade from the sky, yet again from the road. We had slight change of our change of plans, as happens, all the time and headed back down the range and to our comfy bed at home.

I'm hoping to share more of this much looked forward, yet unplanned, whirlwind trip. This however is a little teaser for you.

Grab button for one mother hen


  1. Sounds like the perfect relaxing camping trip and drive. How great is this, getting out in nature and exploring. Would love this :)

  2. Talk about wide open country! Very nice photos...


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