
Saturday, 5 May 2012

Doughnuts, Tractors and Other Things

The kids and I went on a bit of a cooking adventure yesterday, we made doughnuts. Before you start thinking 'oh no kids and hot oil' we made baked ones 'phew'. As the recipe said they aren't like the real deal but are super yummy. Too yummy especially fresh from the oven.

 You can find the recipe we used here

The kids watched in amazement as the yeast started to froth and were astounded by how big the dough grew while they were working. Our creations were met with approval just because they got to punch the dough, mind you they were pretty impressed by the finished result, which was dipped in melted butter and coated in cinnamon and sugar. Mr R gushed (yes, he gushed) over the first bite describing to us the first mouthful and the sweet taste of the sugar and his need to gobble it down fast because it tasted so good.

Friday morning Boss R, Boss Lady R and Boss Lady H went to town leaving the five kids in my care for the day as Boss H went out working until dark. (Yes it was a hectic day but we survived in tasty style. When all else fails ... cook.) They had an interesting cargo on the trip into town with an old tractor and the orange truck that was loaded with empty drums for fuel and gas bottles and  chained down on the back of the semi. The little tractor is destined for a better place, heading to the loving home of a restorer where it will be rejuvenated with a coat of shiny red among other things. The orange truck on board was so they could get home as the semi was in need of some TLC in town.

If you happen to be headed to Townsville Field Day
you'll see this little fella all freshened up and having his five minutes of fame.
So while the parents were away ... we were completely boring and didn't play up but instead did school for the day. With Mr T in the schoolroom all day, it was like a cyclone blew through with puzzles, blocks and railway line spread across the room while everyone else tried to do their work.

Miss E and Mr R had a maths quiz to do on the computer.

Team work ... after a busy day everyone helped Mr T complete this tricky puzzle.

Mr T had a go at drawing on paint. After requesting I did a picture of him and plenty of giggling
he added a picture of Miss E who according to him "has a big head."

Just getting started on filling the floor.
 And now for some pictures from the rest of the week ... this is what mischief we got up to.

Mr E making a number line to practise adding and taking away with Mr E who decided to join in the fun.

Miss S has a new craze ... scrap booking. Out came my stash and what a beautiful job she has been doing.

Mr R having a reading lesson.

Mr E doing some maths activities and Miss S having her on air.
Thank goodness we have three computers in the room or some days we would never make it through.

Mr E writing down words he thinks might be in the book 'Crunch the Crocodile'.

After the rain last Friday riding hasn't really been an option but I went out again on Tuesday
and this is what I found.

Bit of a muddy slog to get through the creek on the way to the cattle yards.
A curious roo ... the other 12 or so of its mates disappeared into the trees.

Can someone please memo the cows and tell them to stay off the road until it is dry.

The first creek heading off the property ... guess we can't get away with having a clean car for long.

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