Sunday, 26 May 2019

Life as I know it ... today

Life has a way of getting in the way of blogging, doesn't it.

I share a fair bit over on Instagram but find it hard to make it over here to this much loved but neglected space.

Life has been busy but not. Filled with the usual day to day busyness that comes with having a toddler but not all that exciting in scheme of things. Life has changed quite a lot from my time as a governess and my chasing waterfalls days. I don't make it out exploring that much at the moment either.Well, I make it to swimming lessons, mum catch ups, playgroups and to the shops to do the groceries, but really that isn't all that interesting to anyone who isn't a 2 year old, or in my mum's group. Actually, the shopping part isn't even all that interesting to the 2 year old (or me quite frankly, grocery shopping isn't that fun), unless we go to the "fish" shop ... our local Stockland's, that has a giant marlin out the front, which he only likes going to because of the big fish. Coles around the corner however, is an unacceptable shopping location. Probably because he doesn't get to see enough trucks and roadworks to get there.

Pause ...

And now the toddler is no longer painting the table with BBQ sauce and has his requested food and drink.

Ahhh, the glorious life of parenthood.
I do often wonder when those with young kids actually find the time to write those wonderful, insightful posts while not leaving their kids to fend for themselves (aka paint the house with sauce) or eating into their valuable sleeping time. Maybe they don't work at night so actually have that quiet time after their children go to bed. Maybe they just actually have their heads screwed on and don't approach life in a headless chook, winging it fashion, like I do.

I miss this little place of mine, so hopefully I'll be back soon.

Off to see what is frustrating the toddler of the house now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm no longer a regular visitor to blogland but I'm so glad I caught this update. I can't believe how quickly time has passed and your cuddly baby is now a little man. Still as cute as, too! So glad to see your life progressing so happily!!


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