
Sunday, 26 May 2019

Life as I know it ... today

Life has a way of getting in the way of blogging, doesn't it.

I share a fair bit over on Instagram but find it hard to make it over here to this much loved but neglected space.

Life has been busy but not. Filled with the usual day to day busyness that comes with having a toddler but not all that exciting in scheme of things. Life has changed quite a lot from my time as a governess and my chasing waterfalls days. I don't make it out exploring that much at the moment either.Well, I make it to swimming lessons, mum catch ups, playgroups and to the shops to do the groceries, but really that isn't all that interesting to anyone who isn't a 2 year old, or in my mum's group. Actually, the shopping part isn't even all that interesting to the 2 year old (or me quite frankly, grocery shopping isn't that fun), unless we go to the "fish" shop ... our local Stockland's, that has a giant marlin out the front, which he only likes going to because of the big fish. Coles around the corner however, is an unacceptable shopping location. Probably because he doesn't get to see enough trucks and roadworks to get there.

Pause ...

And now the toddler is no longer painting the table with BBQ sauce and has his requested food and drink.

Ahhh, the glorious life of parenthood.
I do often wonder when those with young kids actually find the time to write those wonderful, insightful posts while not leaving their kids to fend for themselves (aka paint the house with sauce) or eating into their valuable sleeping time. Maybe they don't work at night so actually have that quiet time after their children go to bed. Maybe they just actually have their heads screwed on and don't approach life in a headless chook, winging it fashion, like I do.

I miss this little place of mine, so hopefully I'll be back soon.

Off to see what is frustrating the toddler of the house now.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

A Birthday letter to me

Its funny, we see and write all these beautiful words for our children as they reach milestones or to our loved ones on special occasions, but what about ourselves.

Last night, as I was driving home from work I had a thought ... how about I write a Birthday letter to me, wishing myself well for the coming year, finding the positives. It was the middle of the night, admittedly, and actually already my birthday but anyway, here goes.

Dear Anne,

Happy 32nd Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with beautiful moments.

Over the last year you have grown and changed so much. Although you probably feel you haven't achieved much, you have done amazing things. Just because they aren't big things, doesn't make them any less important. All those little achievements and victories are something to be proud of. Keep learning and growing and don't be afraid to try and learn new things.

You've been busy learning how to be a mum, the mum of a now toddler. It has had its ups and downs and definitely not enough sleep but you've made it from day one to now and the wheels haven't fallen off completely, so something must be going right. I hope over the next year you embrace your inner child (again) and enjoy the time with your child. I also wish for you the confidence to think you are good at this, even though when stuck in the daily grind it doesn't feel like it.

You've learnt to work as a family unit and communicate better with Mr Sparky. Having spanners thrown in the works like new job opportunities does that, as well as raising a child. I hope you spend more time discussing things, even the every day mundane, in the moments you can and get the time around work and life to enjoy each others company, to enjoy your time as a family in the here and now. Keep dreaming for the future together, one day it will hopefully all be within reach.

You have turned up day in and day out, well night in and night out, for work. You've done your best (mostly), been reliable and worked hard and I hope you feel good about that, you should. You've also forged relationships with work mate and managed not to say nasty things (although you really should stop swearing under your breath about others who don't do it right because that might be their best, plus one day someone might overhear you). You aren't perfect, no one is, but be proud that you give things a go, do your best and can hold your tongue (sort of).

You've done a bit of travelling and looking around the place over the last year. You've had great practise at winging it while travelling and enjoying what each day brings, mostly with a smile on your face. Your love for the peace of camping is growing. I hope you get to see more cherished moments with your family, away from the busyness of life and all consuming technology. Enjoy living in those moments but enjoy living in the every day moments just as much. I hope you get more chances or make more time to get out more to explore nature and the outdoors and to enjoy taking photos of it all. You need that.

32 might sound scary and you might wonder where those years have gone but there is so much life for you to grab hold of and live. Enjoy the moments, making memories, and learning on the fly. Most importantly don't forget to just be you.

Happy Birthday, gorgeous lady!

Love from

Saturday, 10 November 2018

18 months

Now that our little gremlin is 19 months old, here is a view into what he was like at 18 months.

When I asked Daddy what you were in to he replied "he's into everything, that's what he's in to." And to be honest, that about sums you up, our ragamuffin. If you feel comfortable, you'll give anything a go. You love watching older kids play and try to join in with them. If Daddy is doing it, you are of the opinion that you should too.

You have very set ideas about how things should go and really don't like it when we disagree with your way of thinking. Tantrums are a multiple times a day occurrence and mummy sometimes has to remind herself that is mainly because you find it hard to communicate. You are slowly gaining more words again. Tractor, train and plane are favourites. You yell out train or plane whenever you hear one and all trucks are called trains as well. I am pretty sure you say tiger, which is your favourite soft toy, along with little koala. You also occasionally say yes in answer to a question and sometimes I swear you say your own name "Niam" (Liam). You seem to have your own language going, chattering away in gibberish all the time. You also have very expressive facial expressions, they are hilarious and the experimenting with the noises your mouth can make, is another fun and funny one.You sign finished and say either that or done when you have had enough to eat.

You love music and know the actions to some some songs (I'm not sure how many as you surprised us with the complete actions to 'open, shut them' just tonight). You have your favourite songs but they haven't changed much recently. You love anything related to vehicles or wheels, you are obsessed, often carting various cars and trucks around everywhere. You love playing with daddy, pretending to to things with the toys like putting them to bed or making them drive. You also love playing going on a bear hunt. I think you might just be daddy's boy.

You will often find something to play with and just play for ages, like the blocks or your stuffed toys. You absolutely love books and will read them to yourself. You love climbing up on mummy's lap with a book for her to read to you then you read it as well. Outside and the chooks are still your favourites and you are often seen carrying a chicken around the yard. Tomatoes are no longer your favourite food, I'm not sure what is, but you love yogurt, ham, pasta, rice, corned beef, rice crackers, bananas, strawberries and pears. You have all your teeth for your age, and have done for quite a while (2 year old molars are next).

You have a massive personality, a temper to go with it and so often you just look like you are bubbling over with mischief and fun. We have good days and bad but mostly good (even with tantrums). You can be so very, very serious but then the complete opposite as well. You like to hang off mummy's legs when you are unsure or feeling shy but you also like join in and play. You love going to swimming and to bubs & tots. You like get everyone ready when we say "let's go in the car or "do you want to go to the ... shop, playgroup, swimming?" by getting our shoes and closing the doors. These days you play with everything at bubs and tots, not just the cars. You love jumping into the water at swimming and singing 'crocodile, crocodile'. You are quite the dare devil around water, with no fear.

You are most definitely a toddler now. We love watching you explore the world and trying to see it through your eyes.

Weight: 13.99kg - Length: 84cm - Clothes: size 2

Our truck, train, tractor, chicken, water and book lover.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Sunny Sunflowers

On the way back from picking my Mum and brother up from the airport (way, way back at the beginning of April) we made a long detour and checked out the sunflowers starting to bloom at Freshwater.

The same paddock had been planted with sunflowers about 6 months earlier and I had visited them closer to the end of their blooming.

I don't know whether they were replanted because they were so popular, or because they were doing a good job replenishing the soil or just because the farmer was filling in time until it was the right time of year to put it back under sugar cane.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter, maybe it was all of the above. The flowers were certainly well visited and photographed. As Mr Sparky would say, everyone was "wearing their image out".

We had our turn among the flowers, enjoying their brightness along with the novelty of it and the time together.

I hope you enjoyed a bit of my brightness in your day.
Oh, and I can't believe it was only that long ago that our Little Possum was just finding his standing legs. Today he was walking around the house after me. So much they can learn and so quickly.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Happy Mother's Day ...

... well sort of.

Mother's Day weekend was a couple of weeks ago now but I am pretty sure it will be forever memorable in how un-mother's day it was. 

Mr Sparky had to do a job one day that weekend so he and Liam decreed that Mother's Day would be a day early, on Saturday. This was just in case he couldn't get home in time for me to go to work Saturday evening as the job was on the Tablelands.

I had breakfast made for me, and I think I lazed in bed while it cooked, with a wriggly child, for the time it took to feed him.

For my Mother's Day Mr Sparky and Liam got to work on replacing our droopy clothes line

 Our Little Possum made a great site supervisor and tool tester.

Mr Sparky then got called into work in the middle of the day.
I ended up making up the pizzas for our early dinner (I start work earlier on a Sat).

 He was home in time to cook them though, our woodfire pizzas.

Liam and Mr Sparky put some of the lines on the clothes line.

So I left them to it and toddled off to work. 

The next morning (the real Mother's Day), Mr Sparky headed off early and our Little Possum was not impressed by the fact that his Daddy wasn't home, either that or he just wasn't impressed with life in general.

It really was just one of those days with a grumpy toddler and noodles that ended up all over the flood so that's where they got eaten.


But hey, that's what being a Mum is all about isn't it, rolling with the punches and being able to go with whatever pops up. About wiping up tears and giving comfort. About trying to work out what it is that your child wants or needs. About dirt covered faces and chubby fingers. About nourishing little tummies and little minds. About the love and the frustrations. Its all of it and more.