Friday, 30 August 2013

Carting Cane

On Monday as we drove back into Cairns I spotted a cane train, well the carriages, filled with freshly cut sugar cane.

You could see the dust of the tractor whizzing through the cane field with a new trailer of cane to be loaded into the carriages before you could see the tractor, but then he came, shooting out the edge of the field.

The haulout driver left a trail of dust behind him. Cutting and hauling cane is all about speed.

It is cane season, a time for looking out for cane trains and watching fields of cane decrease in size as cane is carted to a nearby mill.

Note: they cut a certain percentage of every farm before doing the next round and cutting another percentage.
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  1. It would be wonderful to see this in action one day.

  2. Beautiful photos, we use to have a few cane fields here on the coast, but they are slowly decreasing and getting taken over by suburbia. I miss watching cane fires.

  3. Hi Jacana, I find it pretty interesting to watch.

  4. Thanks Lizzie, the city here is slowly growing outwards and taking over the cane fields to. Thanks for dropping by.

  5. Thanks Kaz and thanks for dropping by. Yep those cane fields are a huge part of what people see as Northern Queensland.


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