Sunday, 12 April 2015

A watery Sunday drive

A Sunday drive, sauntering through the countryside.
Okay not really countryside, not very far and not much sauntering happening.

I headed to the Barron Gorge Hydro again. I hadn't been there in a few weeks so I wanted to see what had changed since the rain.

It certainly made for a contrast. It hardly looked like the same place. Check out the Barron Gorge last time just to see what a difference water makes.

It was quiet and nice just to look at the waterfall and rocks. The breeze coming along the gorge was also amazing for cooling down.

I headed down to the water again and had a look around.

I walk along what is part of the river bed.

I clambered over rocks, hoping no one was watching my clumsiness from above.

I didn't go too far, although I would have liked to. I figured I should head home at some stage.

I stopped to gaze at that rushing waterfall from last time. Not so rushing now, kind of just dribbling.

It was a nice way to pass the afternoon. I did go elsewhere afterward but this will do for now.
I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

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