Thursday, 27 October 2016

Moody Esplanade

Earlier this week I spent a bit of time down near the Esplanade so I made sure I took a few snaps before heading home.

After lots of clear weather the sky was a bit moody that day. In fact earlier I had bounced out of bed, pre sunrise, thinking I would finally head out to take some sunrise pics only to find that it was cloudy. Disappointing.

Anyway, the moody skies made for a different look down on the Esplanade. It won't be too long until this is the regular look of the place with wet season coming up over summer.

For now though, our spring weather has been not too bad. Nice breezes and sunshiny days. And despite jumping on the air con wagon at night a few weeks ago, we've gone back to enjoying the natural cooling breezes from outside.

Life is seeming to be a bit hectic at the moment with work, work, work. I am pretty sure we wouldn't have it any other way though. We like being busy however it would be nice to get some of the housework done. Hmmm maybe I should be doing that rather than blogging.

I can't believe Christmas is coming up so soon. Where has the year gone?

We are hoping to get away and visit family, meaning my family, for the first Christmas in far too many years. Fingers crossed on that one.

Until then I have a family visit to the north to look forward to, yay!

Do you find this a hectic time of year?
Where do you think the year went?


  1. I love the b/w shots of the palm trees!

  2. Christmas seems to come around sooner the older we get!

    1. I know ... it is racing up this year and I am not at all prepared.


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