
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Impromptu Holiday ... otherwise known as "a bit of a pickle"

I had a great weekend last weekend. I was able to visit Mr Sparky and go to a friend's wedding, flying from one end of the state to the other (and back and back again). The only downside was that I also managed to get myself rained out of the property, an unusual occurrence, usually we are getting rained in. So for now I am going stir crazy at home enjoying an impromptu holiday.

The 17th of March, St Patrick's Day, is the official end of the wet season but the north seems to be copping its fair share of rain and wild weather, freak storms, tropical lows and cyclones. With wild and wet weather warnings still out who knows when my impromptu holiday will end. Ah well better enjoy it while I can.

Meanwhile back on the station Boss Lady R and Boss Lady H are tackling the schoolroom, ringing up daily to find out how to do things or where things are. I am sure they and the kids are having a great time though but undoubtedly will be glad when the holidays arrive or I return whichever happens first. It is nice to feel needed. 

I flew to the southern end of the state for my friend since primary school's wedding, arriving home after a flight, plenty of waiting and a bus with about an hour to spare to get ready and catch up with family. Her wedding was set in a beautiful rose garden but unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate with the garden wedding plans.

Don't they say rain on the day of your wedding day is good luck ... well this lovely couple should have plenty of good luck.

The wedding was still beautiful and we all had a relaxed afternoon and a fun evening.

We all had a wonderful time and I think the wedding celebrations were everything that the charming Bride and Groom could have hoped for.  

I had to catch the plane back north early in the morning (thanks to Mum for dropping me off) however on landing I found out that I wouldn't be able to get back to the station where they had been having a pretty good dose of rain on roads that had already been wet and slippery. Due to highway closures I also couldn't head further north to stay with Mr Sparky.

So after some reorganising of my flights for next weekend (Tim McGraw and Faith Hill here I come) I managed to get a flight back south. Did you know that three flights in 2 days makes you a rather suspicious person when taking through your carry on luggage ... hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Rained out how funny. My current job has a bit of dirt but it is all stone road and always passable. We were nearly rained out acouple of weeks ago but the bitumen road was the one which washed away.


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