
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Kids and Cameras

Let's face it kids love cameras ... well any I know do. Even if they don't like showing off in front of them they love being the photographer, working out all the ins and outs of what is a great piece of technology and a wonderful learning aid. So we use this to our advantage in the schoolroom.

Today Mr Yr1 was revising 3D and 2D shapes so I let him loose with my hardy little Lumix which is waterproof, shock proof, dust proof and maybe even bullet proof (not trying that one out). The brilliant thing goes everywhere ... the school room, the horse yards, the dam, the cattle yards, everywhere.

Anyway back on topic this is what Mr Yr1 came up with this morning...

2D Shapes

3D Shapes

Mr Yr1 also had a go at copying some 3D shape towers to see if they worked. He then made some of his own towering creations with some very clever stacking skills.

3D Towers

Today also saw Mr Yr1 practicing ordinal numbers, making shapes with the geoboard on the computer and the practicing the letter k in handwriting. Miss Yr7 did her "best on air yet this year!" (her words not mine) because the computer only dropped out twice and had some watery science fun. Miss Yr4 and Mr Yr4 got to learn about adverbials and prepositional phrases (huh? you say ... well lets just say it is a good thing Miss Yr7 did them last year) and they also finished their first ever big chapter book that they read themselves. When asked whether they were proud of themselves for reading the whole book the reply was a resounding "YES" that was possibly tinged with a touch of relief that the book was finished. They loved the story, even feeling sorry for those silly Twits at the end.

Today ...


  1. Looks like you've a great gift of making learning fun for them. Roald Dahl is a huge hit in this household, unfortunately we've finished all of them now.
    Am envious of your kill, we're at the very bottom of the freezer at the moment, lots of corned meat coming up. Have declared we need to kill these coming holidays.

  2. Great idea with the camera! I might let Tom loose with my iphone to learn some things - doesn't cope with the sitting/listening/writing type of learning. I've started reading a story to the kids just for fun, not what they have to read for school, straight after lunch and it has worked wonders to get them back into the schoolroom for the afternoon (and I'm rediscovering the joy of Enid Blyton!)

  3. @ Fiona ... they were at the bottom of the freezer before Christmas so this kill has been a long time coming so I know what you mean.

    @ Emma ... I love reading with the kids I guess it is that little bit of time with just you and them rather than tutor and student plus it does do wonders for settling them down :)


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