The kids love having goes at putting things into the mixtures, cracking eggs is a favourite. It is funny how when we pull out the ingredients each of the kids straight away claims one to measure. Today Miss Yr4 got in first with "I'll do the eggs," next Mr Yr1 chimed in with "I'll do the milk" then Mr T enthusiastically piped up "I do flour!" We have done this so many times that they even offer to let each other beat the mixture first which I think is rather polite and nice of them. They know that they will all get a go.
I think following a recipe and cooking are important skills for children to learn (even if all they will ever be able to feed themselves is cake) as it means they can always feed themselves. Not only that but cooking is fun especially when we get a little creative and who doesn't like licking the bowl. Oh and don't tell the kids but it is also learning about measuring and fractions ... especially when you only pull out the 1cup and make them use that to measure half and three-quarters of a cup.