Wednesday 13 May 2015

Sunrise and Jewel Coloured Birds

Ahhh, there is nothing like racing to see a sunrise. The only thing better would be actually making it to the destination before the event happens.

That was what happened Monday morning. I figured what the heck, I'll try for Holloways Beach but as I was driving up the highway the sun was already cracking the horizon. I had to do a quick roadside stop to get it before it was completely over.

Once I made it there and put insect repellant on in a rush I headed for the beach and was so glad to see that the sunrise prettiness was still there. Not a wasted trip after all. Not that it ever really would be.

Someone else was down on my beach, packing up their photography gear. Tripod, why do I never bring the tripod. It might make me look a little more like I have a clue what I am doing. Actually I find being in close proximity to people with all their fandangled photo gear just a little intimidating. I shouldn't, but I do.

I know I don't need all that stuff but it would be nice, just a bigger camera even. I do get some camera envy too.

 So there I was, crouching on the beach taking shots. Pretty sun, pretty clouds, oooo pretty rays of light.

I wandered around a bit, looking at the sky. The ground wasn't of much interest to me that day.

I watched as the clouds slowly grew in number. Pretty cloudy patterns in the sky.

Just relaxing, camera in hand. I think it is like a comfort toy, I am more relaxed with my camera at hand.

A nice start to the morning, a start to wake me up a bit and then it was time to think about heading home.

BUT then I heard it, that cricket like sound. THEN I spotted it.

The Rainbow Bee Eaters were here.

Actually I have seen them here before, last time I was trawling the beach around sunrise.

The first time I saw them however was at the Centenary Lakes. Then I didn't really know what they were but they were so pretty darting in the sun.

Despite being able to hear them almost everywhere at the moment they aren't that easy to find.

They a speedy, flitting little birds.

I think there were three in total hanging out at the beach near me, on Monday.

They would sit on the dead branches of a tree constantly looking around and then next thing they would be gone and then just as suddenly back, in another part of the tree.

They must have been having quite a feast.

Once the sun came out from behind the band of clouds it was easy to see why they have their name.

They are so pretty, shiny and have a few different metallic toned colours on them from blue and yellow to green and gold.


What a pretty find they were, flying jewels that they are.

Then it really was time to go (I had attempted to go a few times but every time the Bee Eaters would come back and I just had to take another picture or ten). The sun was heating up too much for me to be out in it. Mind you on reflection I should have just waited longer to avoid the 20km/hr traffic on the 80km/hr highway heading south into town.


  1. I enjoyed your photos and narrative about your trip to the beach. Beautiful beach, sunrise and birds.

    1. @Susan, thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for looking in.

  2. Very beautiful sunrise and sky photos and the photos of the Bee-eaters make it a perfect morning!

    1. @Mick, it was and they did. Thanks for coming by.

  3. They are such beautiful birds.

  4. Well it certainly was worth going out to try and catch the sunset. Your sky shots are amazing and the icing on the cake is the Bee Eater. Great shots.

    1. @Margaret, you are right, sunrise and sunset are always worth it. That bee eater certainly was the cherry on top. Thank you!

  5. I just love the Bee-eaters, beautiful birds. The beach is gorgeous, what a pretty place..Great shots.

    1. @Eileen, they are gorgeous birds and ones I hadn't seen until this year. Thank you.

  6. Sunrise and the beach. Nothing better.

  7. Wonderful photos of such lovely colors on those birds...and the sunrise over the beach...AMAZING!

    1. @Silver Parrot, thank you. They were so pretty and even prettier in the sun. Thanks for looking in.

  8. A trip to the beach is never wasted. And I am beginning to realize that a visit to your blog is equally a never-fail rewarding experience. Thanks for the beauty and once again again the laughs! (You should see me with my point and shoot standing next to the serious bird photographers with their really big lenses and their tripods. (What's a tripod? ;)))!

    1. @Sallie, thanks for the laugh about the tripod. I read a quote today that said something about it isn't the gear that makes the photo but the person. You are right, the trip to the beach is always worth it. Thank you for coming by and I am glad you enjoy the blog.

  9. Great captures ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  10. Breath-taking photos of a gorgeous place! And the bee-eaters are wonderful! Great post!

    1. @Marie, thank you so much. I just work with what nature gives. Thank you for dropping in.

  11. Lovely photos of a wonderful morning.
    The sea, interesting clouds, beautiful skies.
    And the cute birds are indeed flying jewels, like you write.
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. @Sara, thank you so much. I love watching the sky change. They are cute and surprisingly noisy. Thanks for coming by.

  12. bee-eaters are such beautiful and nice birds. :) Love all images of it.


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