
Wednesday, 2 December 2015

1st of December

December!! How an earth did that happen?
I am feeling that the year has run away on us and we are back here again, looking at the end of it.
Honestly 2015, why so fast?
I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner.

Yesterday was the 1st of December and a beautiful looking day it was.
Being the first day of Summer, I thought it was only right to spend some time at the beach.

I headed north, but further north than the beaches I normally go to. 
My aim was Ellis Beach, one I've driven past but never stopped at.
First stop was just past Palm Cove, I'm not sure what beach it is, maybe part of Ellis Beach or maybe some other name.

I had to quickly make my way down closer to the water because the sand was burning hot. It was the summer speed walk down the sand that so many people would be familiar with so your feet don't burn. And trust me from previous experience, they do burn.

The water was so pretty, so blue.

I then did the run back up the sand, to the car park, and headed north again.
The road, the Captain Cook Highway, hugs the shoreline and it is an amazing drive.
There are plenty of little spots to pull off and look at the coastline.

Ellis Beach is a pretty spot.
Even though I planned on the beach, I didn't bother with swimmers, I just went to look and a walk.

There is a stinger net out for a safe-ish place for a swim. You see, November meant the beginning of stinger season so until about May, that is where you swim.

The beach was quiet, I saw another lady walking with her dog and someone in the distance planning on a swim in the nets.

The beach was certainly very summery.

I actually was kind of regretting the lack of swimming stuff because the water looked amazing.

For many years our family has had beach holidays nearer to the end of summer and the beach is something we all enjoy.
Recently everyone decided a nice beach holiday would be great if everyone wasn't too busy.

I am lucky enough to live close enough to the beach to go whenever I feel the need.
I haven't been much recently though. I certainly haven't been with togs, ready for a swim, in a long, long time.

I normally just go for walks. I never thought I'd be the beach walker rather than beach swimmer. Mind you I've always enjoyed beach walks too.

Beach walking does mean you find some interesting things though. Yesterday is was mostly seaweed and a few shells and smoothed stones but I did spot a piece of ocean polished glass.

Even though it was only around 10am the sun was hot and I decided I'd been out in the sun long enough.
Too long, actually it turned out. Aloe vera is my friend at the moment.

I did drive further north before heading home.

Getting home lead to nap time, so it really was a good start to December.

After nap time, when I was wasting time checking facebook, Cairns Post (local newspaper) had put up a post asking if anyone had gotten photos of a croc that had been sighted. 

Can you guess where it was?

In the nets at Ellis Beach.

It even made the news.
Actually, crocs found at the beach usually do. This one was only a little one though.

There was a reason I didn't take my togs and go swimming.

I though this was a great way to celebrate the change of season.
What do you like to do?

Aussie summer, here we come!

My Memory Art


  1. Beautiful, but it sure doesn't look like my December 1st.

  2. 1st of December and first day of summer?????????????????????????????????????????????
    --> Something is wrong with your sense of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK, we have +12°C outside, but all the colours are gone, the sky is grey and overcast and we call this season late, late autumn, early winter or just Advent season. This is not the time we spend pleasant hours at a sunny beach, we sit at home in the dark evening on our sofas, we drink hot tea and the heating is giving off heat!


    Regards from Germany,

    1. Haha yes the 1st of December is the first day of Summer in Australia. I find it just as interesting seeing the beginning of Winter happening elsewhere. We are having temperatures of around 30 - 35 degrees C. The last couple of days it has been overcast. It is getting ready for wet season when it should rain and rain and rain (monsoon). It is coming up to the time of year where we try to stay cool and I hide in airconditioning for most of the day. It is Advent here too, we just have a hot Christmas instead of a cold one. It is interesting seeing the different seasons. Keep warm and thank you for coming by.

  3. Replies
    1. It looked refreshing but was quite warm outside.

  4. We too had a sunny day yesterday. Too bad it was so humid. Those pictures are lovely and yes it is good you did not go for a swim.

    1. Thank you. Sunny days are always nice and I am glad I didn't go swimming.

  5. Well, your first day of summer looks much more summery than ours. I'd love to be able to go to a beach. Beautiful, and not very crowded..love it!

    1. Going to the beach was a nice thing to do for the morning and it was nice and quiet, it isn't always. Thanks for coming by.

  6. Ha! Doesn't look like my December either! In a few weeks I'll be dying for a view like this!

    1. I bet you do. It is interesting seeing other peoples view of December. I'll be wishing for cooler weather in a few weeks I am sure.

  7. This could be Southern California where I live 1 1/2 years ago, but now in the North of the same state it started snowing last week, lol! Beautiful beaches!!

    1. So much variety in the weather. It was a pretty beach, although I would still choose one with surf. This one was beautiful and relaxing to look at.

  8. I wouldn't mind being there right now! It is so cold here tonight!

    1. We are the opposite, hot enough to want the air con to be comfortable at night. In a few weeks I'll be wanting to be there.

  9. Honestly I would find it hard to get a sence of christmas living in a country without snow during the winter. And crocks I would surely not want to meet. But I guess that you get used to that If you live where you live

    1. I would love to try a cold white Christmas one time. The funny thing is a lot of our decorating, cards and traditions still centre around living in a cold climate. Often there is just swimming and finding a cool place to nap involved as well. I'm glad I didn't meet that one, although it was only a small one. I have purposely gone and found one before, a bigger one. I just don't want to find one when I am unprepared. They are part and parcel of living in northern Australia, unfortunately, among other bitey things. You just need to keep your eyes open. They usually don't cause too much trouble and crocs are moved away from people when they decided to move in too close.

  10. I love walking through the bushes to find a beach like this. That spells TRAVELLING to me :)

    1. I know, it is so magical and like stepping out into another world. Luckily enough for me this is close to home but doing this in more places, I'd like to do that. Thanks for coming by.

  11. In my younger days, swimming would be a priority but now I just like to look and take photos, too.

    1. It is more the area that curbs my swimming rather than anything else. Although it is always more fun with others and I am quite reguarly alone.


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