
Thursday, 19 June 2014

Football and Pizza

Do you have a football watching tradition?
Now it just has to be done ... State of Origin was on last night (and three weeks before that). Now for those who don't know State of Origin is a football (NRL: National Football League) battle between Queensland and New South Wales or the Maroons and the Blues. There are three games played and it is the best of three who wins the series. It is pretty popular in both states even with those who aren't regular footy watchers. It is usually quiet a dirty game and if a fight doesn't break out something went wrong. The rules aren't as tight as the regular games to make it more interesting.

Now I grew up in a single parent family, mostly girls so football never really made the radar except for when we were visiting our Grandparents and Grandad had it on. Whether it was because of school or something else State of Origin did make the radar, particularly in high school but even then it wasn't a big thing for us. I just wanted to know who won more than anything and even that held my interest for maybe 2secs.

When I headed west State of Origin became a bigger thing. It was a real event at The Station and even Friday nights were football nights. Part of the tradition of State of Origin night they had there was pizza in the lounge room while watching and a beverage of your choice. Every ref decision was agonized over and teams were coached, encouraged and shouted at through the t.v. A very noisy affair.

Well the pizza tradition has sort of kept going at our place, a pizza and football tradition that Mr Sparky is pretty keen on and I would love to keep going.

Home made pizza, how could I resist that one.
Oh and after 8yrs NSW/ The Blues finally won a series. It isn't easy being a blues supporter in Maroons territory (if I actually cared that much). If you are wondering why I support the opposite state to where I live, I was born in NSW so going with the State of Origin theme that was my state of origin (also blue is a prettier colour). Now one more game left, as only 2 have been played, let's see if NSW can make it 3 out of 3.

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