
Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Silly Galah!

At the moment I am totally and completely enjoying spending time with family, being in an area with low humidity, being cooler, looking around the area, checking out the family farm as well as seeing and hearing the local bird life. How I have missed these more inland birds. Something I have seen plenty of lately are Galahs. They arrive every morning and every evening and are sometimes seen in between. Now I am sure that many farmers are cursing that these birds have found their nearly ready crops but I am loving seeing their pink and grey bodies dotting trees and grass areas as well as hearing their noisy squawking. 

Yesterday I had to go down the street (meaning go down to the main street i.e. post office, local shop) so I hitched a lift in the farm's golden chariot (very similar to the station's golden chariot seen here) with Mr Sparky and Farmer G, a very squishy ride I must say, that had a stop over at the local showgrounds. Now the fellas were there to get one of the family cars chugging along again as the battery was having issues. While they messed around with that and checking out other things on the car I wandered around the showgrounds taking photos of this, that and everything. One of those 'everythings' were the Galahs hanging out in the big old iron bark trees.

They were a pretty quiet bunch just hanging out, pruning and sleeping.

Oh and sticky beaking at me gawking at them.

I did eventually make it down the street and then took Mr Sparky for a short town tour and gave the car a run. I am going to miss these pretty birds when I head back north again.


  1. A great series of photos. I see them fly over my place quite often - and use the electricity wires on the side of the street as a perch - but they seldom come down close where I could get photos. They are a lot of fun to watch.

  2. Galahs can be so noisy but I still think they are pretty amazing. Great shots.

  3. How lucky are you to see such bird, they are so beautiful. its good to see them in the wild, unfortunatly I've only ever seen them in cages.
    All the best Gordon.

  4. They are gorgeous birds, I would love to see them in the wild. Awesome photos! Have a happy day!

  5. Great birds - I still remember the first time I saw these birds! I had to pull the car over, just to check I was not seeing things!!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. i love those colors. so bright, fun & cheerful too. ( :

  7. Great capture of beautiful birds.

  8. no mistaking this species..... stunning plumage

  9. Hi Mick, thanks for your comments. They are interesting to watch as they interact with each other. They love hanging out in high places that is for sure.

  10. Hi Jacana, Yes they can be very noisy but this lot were happily grooming and fairly quiet. You can certainly hear them coming though when a flock comes through. Thanks.

  11. Hi Gordon, thanks for looking in. Yes they are beautiful and very distinctive.

  12. Eileeninmd, thanks for coming by and for your comments. I miss seeing big flocks of them in the wild so loved seeing them again.

  13. Ho Stewart M, They are an interesting looking bird, who would have thought, a pink and grey bird in Aus. The population of them in SE QLD seems to be big this year, our guess is because there is no food out west. Thanks for looking in.

  14. Thanks for coming by Beth, they are beautiful and colourful. Thanks.

  15. Thanks Dave, you definitely can't mistake them for another.


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