
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Weather Cairns Style

 Today we welcomed another student and farewelled one as well.
The weather in these parts has been a little bit undesirable for visitors and knowing we have students here make me want it to fine up however I will never say no to some good rain. I also would love to send some south and west to those who really need it. The problem with this cloudy threatening to rain weather is that it is hot, humid and well the rain is pretty spasmodic. The sky might threaten a lot but doesn't do well on delivery. When some wet stuff does fall I swear it is just because the humidity gets too heavy for the air.

So our Monday morning view from work looked like this. As the one of the other teachers said "it looks cold but you just know its not." One thing this strange weather did however was turn the water the strangest glowing green colour.

The day did clear though, very nicely. As I said to students "Cairns is showing off some typical Cairns weather for you. Raining one minute, sunny the next." The up side is that if you get wet you'll be dry before you get wet again. We have to keep reminding students that although it feels like summer it isn't yet, that for them in Japan it is Autumn but here in Aus it is Spring.

A cooler breeze hung around which made our afternoon trip to the Wildlife Dome pleasant. The reptiles didn't think much of it though.

The students were loving seeing the shadows from the clouds on the water and mountains. Maybe it was a bit of a novelty. They also loved posing for photos while the sun was out and watching the boats passing.

How is the weather at your place? Do you need some rain? Are your seasons behaving?
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  1. The third photo down made me say, "Wow!" -- love that sky! Temps here are still in the 70s and 80s, lots of sun. I'm ready for fall, any day now!

  2. This is the best time of the year for us... cool, crisp air yet still warm enough to wear tank tops and shorts.

    I don't like "waiting-to-rain" weather either --too humid and stuffy and suffocatingly hot.

  3. actually with have had LOTS of rain in September - and we really needed it - the dams are overflowing, so fabulous! The crops in the wheatbelt are looking spectacular.
    I think the fire fighters would like some of that rain.
    Have a great week, and thank you for stopping by my blog.

  4. Very much spring here in WA. Need to dress in layers to peel off as the day warms up. Had a very warm one this week and I actually got sunburnt at the school sports carnival.

  5. Hi Sharon, the top temp here each day is around 30 degrees C so that would make it around 83 degrees F or higher. The killer however is the humidity and the strength of the sun. Thanks, the sky is pretty WOW on many occasions.

  6. Buckaroomama, it is definitely warm enough for tank tops and shorts here. Come to think of it,it hasn't really cooled down enough this year to move out of them. Humid weather is energy sucking I feel. I am glad you are loving this time of year.

  7. @ Life images by Jill, I am so glad you have gotten much needed rain. Yes I am sure the fire fighters would love the rain right now as would many farmers. Thanks for coming by.

  8. Hi Jacana, SUNBURNT, it must be warming up for you. The sun here is so strong that you don't want to spend much time in it. Students learnt this when they came back from a day at the reef lobster red. We are in shorts here, no need for layers except for in buildings where the air con is too cold. Enjoy defrosting.


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