
Sunday, 15 September 2013

Cairns Face Lift

Okay so maybe not a face lift, more redevelopment.

Driving North into Cairns is looking more and more like any other city, that is other than the odd cane field where a farmer is refusing to give in to the growing estates around them.

There are now overpasses,

and concrete walls dividing the traffic.

There are massive signs showing the way,

and then there is this newly opened overpass that means heading straight into Cairns isn't as straight forward and flat as it once was.


As someone said to me recently when I mentioned the newly opened road "it is very modern and architecturally designed, it looks like you could be anywhere in the world". Yep, I think they had a point. I think they were politely saying it was ugly and big and out of place and very city like, but that is just me saying that. It is rather cool to drive over though.

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  1. It is a bit flash and looks like something transported out of Brisbane.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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