Thursday, 16 October 2014


Waiting for my flight.

9th October: I is for ... interesting. Airports always are. Well that was my photo of the day on Instagram on that day (see the side menu for a link).

My plane getting ready.

Waiting for take off.

 Up in the air, I fly.
Zoom, zoom,
a zoom, zoom, zoom.

Up in the air, so high.
Zoom, zoom,
a zoom, zoom, zoom.

 Zooom, zooom,
zoom, zoomidy, 
zoom, zoom, zoom.

Zooom, zooom,
zoom, zoomidy,

Okay so this post is not about the playschool song currently stuck in my head. What is with that anyway, I haven't been watching playschool, I don't currently work with kids ... ah welcome to my brain.  

Rather it is just about some pretty photos of what was below when I flew back to Cairns last Thursday after spending a far to short week and a half with family.

Remember that last post about loving window seats and looking out from above.

Well I scored another window seat, of cause. I did book it after all.

 For a while the clouds took over too much but the further north we went the less clouds there were meaning the more I could see.

I even managed an awesome in front of wing seat so had a clear view, mostly.

What was the best was when we hit the Great Barrier Reef area.

 The tide must have been out or low because the reefs (wow, that word breaks the rule, that change the 'v' to 'f' one) were very clear.

Then we got close into Cairns, Fitzroy Island came into view.

I could see the line of boats heading into Cairns city.

Those little white things in the water are boats.

Then I could see Green Island.

As we came in to land, my thoughts were confirmed, the tide was low.

Up in the air, I fly.
Zoom, .... okay I'll stop now.

Then we had landed, just like that. One taxi ride and I was home. It was good to be back in our space and to check the garden but really I wanted to still be down south. It was too short a visit.


  1. don't you just love window seats!
    I am glad you had a visit home, although short. Have a great week. I am joining you at Wednesday Around the World.

    1. I do, I do and I try to always get one. I am glad to and I always wish my visits were longer. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. The puffs of clouds do look pretty from high above. Even with that, though, I still prefer an aisle seat. :)

    1. They are pretty! The upside to the aisle is that it is easier to get out ...

  3. I LOVE the window seat!

    these are amazing shot, makes me want to fly away somewhere new


    1. Me too! I want to see somewhere else from the air as well. Sorry if I gave you the travel bug :)

  4. I love the shots from the plane - I am glad to see I am not the only one who likes to take photos from the air while travelling, your's are nice and clear - well taken.

    1. I am so glad I am not alone. I did have to do some contrast work on the pics as they had that lovely smokey through a window at hight look. Thanks.

  5. I really like watching clouds from planes - I like their shadows on the ground.

    Great set of pictures.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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